Monday, October 6, 2008

Something From the CBC on Alarmforce

When Ian Harvey's home was broken into, he decided to have an alarm installed. He remembered an advertisement he'd caught from a company called Alarm Force. Harvey gave Alarm Force a call.
"It was a quick, clean, ten minute installation," Harvey recalls. "The system was simple and ... we seemed fine."
But a few months later, Harvey's house was targetted again.
"Somebody came along and smashed in the front door," says Harvey. "Just splintered it into matchwood [and] got into the house."

Alarm Force wouldn't agree to an interview with Marketplace...


  1. If they suck so bad how come they keep increasing their customer base year after year ??

  2. Lack of consumer education and the false-caring voice of Joel.

    I can't do anything about Joel, so I am doing my part in educating the consumer's out there.
